Hello, 👋 It's Me
Amit Singh
Dynamic and detail-oriented algorithm developer
with a strong command of data structures and algorithms in Python
and adept problem-solving skills.
Dynamic and detail-oriented algorithm developer with a strong command of
in Python and adept problem-solving skills. Quick learner, easily adapting
to new
technologies. Proven ability in solving various problems using
fundamental data
structures basic and advance algorithms,
demonstrating a solid understanding of complexity analysis.
🔵Developed a Sudoku Solver that Generated a
random Sudoku puzzles and displayed them in
the terminal with colorful formatting.
🔵Implemented puzzle-solving using recursion
and backtracking algorithms Showcased the
solved Sudoku grids in the terminal for
user interaction.
🔵Developed a terminal-based maze solver that
generates random mazes using BFS, Deque, Set,
and List.
🔵Implemented path-solving algo using B.F.S,
Depth-First Search, recursion, backtracking
and showcased the finded path in terminal.
🔵Crafted an interactive typing Master in
CLI to boost typing skills and
challenge speed and accuracy.
🔵Implemented JSON and OS for reading and
writing data to JSON files like Database
Completed as a solo project within a 5-day.
Created with by Amit Singh ©